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- Issue 50: I hate long goodbyes
Issue 50: I hate long goodbyes
... besides, I have a nearly six hour podcast episode for that.
All the best and more …
“I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it’s both.” -Forrest Gump
I recently had dinner with someone I’ve developed feelings for over the past year. I was about to tell her but this was our third time (long story) saying goodbye as she is about to embark on a six month excursion abroad. I decided to wait until she returns as the timing didn’t feel quite right in that moment. In the past, I would have made a different choice, all while kicking the dirt, questioning why life has a very odd sense of humor. Today, I see this all as part of life’s mystery box. I’m letting her go unfettered without anything other than her excitement, anticipation, and butterflies for what’s ahead. Right now, she has enough emotions to fill several bottles and this moment isn’t about me. Besides, the next six months will give me clarity on the situation with a healthy dose of patience and forbearance thrown into the mix. And when or rather if (because who knows, she may decide to stay abroad) she comes back, and I’m fortunate enough to see her again, I’ll let her know then; when the time is right. Am I sure I made the right decision? No. While I don’t know whether to trust that “if it’s meant to be, it will happen” or if life is more about “nothing ventured, nothing gained” risk taking, I’m going to put my faith in the wisdom of Forrest. “Maybe it’s both.” All I can do is make the best of things, and continue moving forward.
I don’t know why I’m waxing about this in my last newsletter. I hadn’t planned on it. The words just came tumbling out as I’m sitting here back in my favorite nook at the library, but I’m going with it.
Oh and in case you haven’t heard on the nearly six hour episode released this week, or read over the past several newsletters, this is the final issue of The Weekly Quirk coinciding with the series finale of Moving Forward. And like my gift to cliffhanger romances, today isn’t really about me. It’s about you, the ones who have listened to the podcast over the past decade, and those who have enjoyed this quirky newsletter over the past year, typos and all. Like a favorite Netflix show ending a long run, I’m trying to strike the balance between tying things up with a bow while leaving a little mystery to ponder. After all, podcasts and newsletters may sunset, but life goes on.
Finally, I want to say thank you. Whether you’ve been a listener and / or a subscriber, it’s no small thing for you to give a part of your busy week to the musings of a guy who’s simply trying to make the best out of what life has to offer. My hope is that some of my words can give you the inspiration, courage, and wisdom to make the best choices for you when you come across your own forks in the road. Moreover, to keep your head high no matter how frustrating, uncertain, or nebulous the future may seem. While the show and newsletter may be ending, the tagline of the podcast will forever be there to remind you to “always be moving forward.”
Moving Forward 500 : All good things moving forward.
Thank you.
Catch the entire series on Spotify.
Moving Forward is also available on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iHeart, CastBox, Pocket Casts, Spotify for Podcasters (formerly Anchor), and Audible.
*Affiliate disclosure: these are links through which I earn a commission from qualifying referrals and / or purchases.
Moving Forward
All good things moving forward.
Moving Forward season 12: Moving Forward’s final season is split into three parts with the first seven episodes serving as a retrospective. Part III wraps the show with episode 500, the series finale.
Moving Forward release schedule:
✅Season 12, Part 1 (episodes 493-496) aired on Thursdays, starting on Jan. 9th, concluding on Thursday, Jan. 30th.
✅Season 12, Part 2 (episodes 497-499) aired on Thursdays, starting on Feb. 13th, concluding on Thursday, Feb. 27th.
✅ Season 12, Part 3 (episode 500) aired this week in five parts, starting on Monday, March 3rd, concluding on Friday, March 7th.
The Weekly Quirk: The final issue (50) was released on Friday, March 7th.
[Note: Upon conclusion of the podcast and newsletter, all Moving Forward episodes and The Weekly Quirk issues will remain available to stream and read online so long as I’m able to keep them published cost-free via their respective host providers. However, while I would like to keep them preserved for posterity sake, I can’t guarantee they will be available forever. Additional note: the copyright to all content, including audio and literary rights, remains with me, my assigns, and my heirs, regardless of publication status.]
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The Poshmark Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses (Paperback, Kindle, Audible)
The Poshmark Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses (Apple audiobooks)
I Am a Professional Metalhead (audiobook) (Audible affiliate link) written by Angelo Spenillo, narrated by John Lim
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