Issue 30: A multi-talented author who celebrates fellow writers, ghostwrites on the side, all while avoiding chicken pox

Welcome, Kimberly Charleston!

Well, since Halloween is around the corner … no, she’s not that kind of ghostwriter!

“I like to know that ‘hey!’ I was able to help this person go from idea to bookshelf ...” -Kimberly Charleston

Hello! It’s been a minute, or several since my last issue. I’m not sure I remember how to write or podcast. But thankfully, this week’s guest is someone who helps others convey their thoughts and ideas on paper. Kimberly Charleston is a novelist and professional ghostwriter, and she returns to Moving Forward to talk ghostwriting, the ebbs and flows of traditional publishing, writing routines, morning habits, and more. In addition, she provides a sneak peek into her next novel, and reveals a fun quirk that I already spoiled in the headline.

And while it was tempting to hire Kimberly to ghostwrite this issue, I figure it’s best that I crack the knuckles on this one. [Psst, Kim, can you ghostwrite the next 10 issues for me?].


Moving Forward 479: Inspiring individuals: Kimberly Charleston

As we caught up for this conversation, recorded a week ago, Kimberly had just finished ghostwriting her first longform book for a business owner while juggling the next round of edits for her upcoming novel. She has also recently dealt with her literary agent departing the industry to go back to her first love of teaching. This is one of the unexpected quirks that comes with traditional publishing that we discuss on this week’s episode.

While not ghostwriting or penning her own books, Kim spends her time supporting or rather uplifting other writers with her platform: Books Uplift.

So what exactly is a ghostwriter? Although we’re creeping closer to Halloween, it’s not writing incantations or spells … well, unless you’re ghostwriting a book that involves either. As Kim shares, it’s a specialty profession, in which you help individuals, businesses, and storytellers find the right words to convey their message on paper, in their unique voice. Kim’s background as a former consultant has prepared her well for this quirky side gig. As she shares, it’s a partnership that requires the highest level of trust, active listening, and the same determination, grit, hard work that an author would put into their own work. However, a big difference is that you have to put your ego aside by forgoing any of the credit.

Speaking to Kim, it’s clear she enjoys the work for its own sake. In addition to her ghostwriting, she puts her time and energy into promoting others in the publishing industry with Books Uplift. Initially, Kim wanted to create a learning tool for herself; a hub to organize her blogs, notes and book reviews. However, a friend was so impressed with her content that she recommended she share this knowledge with others. Since then, Kim has expanded into interviews with authors, editors, agents and literary-adjacent professionals. Today, Books Uplift has evolved into a robust community and teaching tool for budding authors.

This endeavor also embodies Kim’s values of giving and being of service. As she explains, the “monetization” conversation has arisen several times with web professionals impressed with her efforts. But she is content to keep this an educational hotspot for writers, and to spotlight worthy causes; including book-related charities and non-profits. Kim created Books Uplift to be the proverbial tide that lifts many literary ships.

There’s a lot more to Kim’s story, including a sneak peek into her next book. Check out the full interview, then head on over to Books Uplift to get your daily dose of literary inspiration.

Kimberly Charleston, author and founder of Books Uplift.

I love supporting others in the industry … really helping authors, advocating for them, helping them get their works out.

-Kimberly Charleston

Some things I learned about Kimberly:

  • The rewards of ghostwriting that make it worth not getting the front-facing credit.

  • How ghostwriting is like “raising a puppy.”

  • Why Kim isn’t a pure plotter or pantser but a “quilter” - the kind that doesn’t require any yarn.

  • How she plans her day according to task and metric-based goals to balance ghostwriting, her own writing projects, and Books Uplift.

  • Why Kim starts her day at 4:30 am.

  • Why she eats dinner early (well before you do!).

Fun quirk:
  • Kimberly has never had the chickenpox.

Check out my prior conversation with Kimberly on Moving Forward:

Available now at my bookstore on Pangobooks

Inspired by Kimberly’s story to get big things done? There’s a book for that!

Quirky reads 📚

Speaking of books, here are some titles I’ve been reading lately.

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  • Holly by Stephen King (****)

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“What are you selling?!?” -actual quote from a b-school classmate

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